Apiture Introduces Family Banking from Greenlight to Help Financial Institutions Support Financial Literacy

Apiture Introduces Family Banking from Greenlight to Help Financial Institutions Support Financial Literacy

From February 9-12 we conducted a study for Greenlight, which asked 1034 U.S. Respondents with children from 8-18 their feelings about teaching their kids about financial literacy. A notable statistic we found was that 93% of parents believe it is important for...
86% of Indians Believe AI-Powered Automation Improves Job Fulfillment: UiPath Survey

86% of Indians Believe AI-Powered Automation Improves Job Fulfillment: UiPath Survey

We conducted a study for UiPath via an online survey fielded in March 2023. There were 6,460 respondents to the survey and participants included workers  from the U.S., Japan, Germany, India, United Kingdom, France, Australia, and Singapore. This worldwide study found...