Hot Topics, Cool Data: Stand Out with Newsmaker Surveys
In a recent webinar, we shared key strategies for developing newsmaker surveys that resonate with journalists and create buzz.
Easier and Faster than You Think to Make News around the World
When you want to make news around the world, consider a newsmaker survey fielded in multiple countries.
Measurement Matters: Insights from PR Council and AMEC’s Industry Survey
We surveyed agencies and brands about their measurement practices.
Using AI to Eliminate My Job
For ten years, I’ve been training an AI to do my job. Since I couldn’t hit up the neighborhood Jawas to buy an off-the-shelf droid, we have had to...
Pros and Cons of Including Partial Responses to Surveys
Our standard practice for B2B surveys and surveys of our clients’ own house lists is to include incomplete responses.
When and How to Use Bipolar Scales
Consider using unipolar instead of bipolar scales, if possible. When keeping a bipolar scale, use newer formats.
Setting Goals for PR Surveys
Goals for newsmaker surveys focus your efforts and save you time and budget. Common goals might serve either the long term or short term.
Order Bias Is a Larger Source of Error Than You Think
Randomizing choice lists is one of the easiest ways at your disposal to greatly improve the quality of your survey data.
Thought Leadership Programs for B2B PR Professionals
Thought leadership typically requires innovative thoughts. And that often comes from conducting original research.
The Myth of Margin of Error
Margin of error as popularly understood overstates the reliability of research results in at least three key ways, because it ignores other sources of error.
10 Tips for Questionnaire Design
When I’m reviewing a questionnaire, here are the top 10 things I remind my co-authors: Keep the respondent in mind – Write from their point of view,...
Market Research Conference Calendar
Here are the major market research conferences on our calendar, sorted by month.