Survey Reveals 44% of Parents Have Missed Work in the Past Year to Address Their Child’s Mental Health Needs

Survey Reveals 44% of Parents Have Missed Work in the Past Year to Address Their Child’s Mental Health Needs

On behalf of Mightier, we conducted an online survey of 1,021 U.S. parents employed full-time with 6 to 14-year-old children from April 14 to 18, 2023. A digital program for emotional health in children, Mightier wanted to learn more about the impact that...
Survey Finds 93% of Teens Believe Financial Knowledge and Skills Are Needed to Achieve Their Life Goals

Survey Finds 93% of Teens Believe Financial Knowledge and Skills Are Needed to Achieve Their Life Goals

Our survey for Greenlight was recently highlighted in an article discussing the financial literacy of teenagers in the US. The study was conducted from March 18 and March 20, 2022, among 1,096 respondents, split between teens ages 13-18 and parents of 13-18 year...
National Survey Reveals Overwhelming Majority of Teachers Have Concerns With Air Quality in Schools

National Survey Reveals Overwhelming Majority of Teachers Have Concerns With Air Quality in Schools

We conducted a survey for Aura Air leading smart air platform to assess opinions on the air quality in and around schools in the US. In early October we asked 1,000 teachers and school facility managers their thoughts on the matter, and the results were overwhelmingly...
New Survey – Is “Quiet Constraint” Quiet Quitting’s New Rival?

New Survey – Is “Quiet Constraint” Quiet Quitting’s New Rival?

For the learning and engagement platform Kahoot! we conducted a survey from August 18 to September 12, 2022. The 1635 respondents were U.S. workers employed in firms with 250+ employees who gave us a better understanding of the challenges they have been encountering...
Emergn Study Reveals Workplace Training Programs Lack Effectiveness and Alignment with Skills Employees Want Most

Emergn Study Reveals Workplace Training Programs Lack Effectiveness and Alignment with Skills Employees Want Most

Our study for Emergn “The Pursuit of Effective Workplace Learning” was recently released after being conducted between July and August 2022. The study, for which we asked over 1200 professionals in the US and UK their thoughts on how businesses can better...