An Inconvenient Truth about Convenience Samples

A convenience sample is simply any list, panel, or source of potential respondents. At Researchscape, we do lots of surveys of convenience samples. Because, of course, they’re convenient. Also, cheap. We use house lists of emails of prospects, customers, and lapsed...

Your Half-Human, Half-Vulcan Customers

Your customers are like Mr. Spock from Star Trek. (Leonard Nimoy, rest in peace.) In popular culture (as opposed to geek culture), Spock has become a synonym for cold-blooded logical thinking. But, as the true geek knows, Spock’s father was from Vulcan and his mother...

2015 Market Research Conferences

Here are some of the 2015 market research conferences on our radar. January 27 Net Gain Conference 2015 MRIA Toronto January 29 Kids and Youth Research MRS London February 3 Media Insights & Engagement Conference IIR San Diego February 4 Qualitative 360 – Europe...

Lessons from Automating Social Media Monitoring

Social media monitoring can be fragile. I’ve been recapping the top 5 research links of the week since I coined the #MRX hashtag back in July of 2010. Originally I did it by hand, and then I had one of my sons automate the process for me in June of 2011. He had to...

From Market Researcher to Customer Experience Leader

To start 2015, we are featuring some “Lost Gems” from 2014 — some great posts that deserved to get wider notice than they did the first time out. A vice president of market research for a financial firm shared a case study last week at the Marketing Research...

Revenue Growth of the Top 50 U.S. Market Research Firms

The American Marketing Association has published their annual report on the Top 50 U.S. Market Research Firms [PDF]. I was especially interested in analyzing the companies by growth rate. Here’s a quadrant analysis dividing them by size and by growth rate. The Top 25...