Optimizing Survey News Releases for Reporters

Most survey news releases simply include a summary of key findings of the survey, without accompaniment. Modest additional effort can create news releases more likely to be picked up. Optimizing Releases for Reporters   “Surveys are great for me for a blog post...

Issues of Sampling and Mode for PR Surveys

For representative results, it is more important that sampling be well designed than that there be thousands of responses. Unfortunately, this is a distinction that most reporters ignore and that many researchers, in the interest of minimizing costs, obscure....

Common Sample Sizes for PR Surveys

The typical survey reported in the 2016 corpus of news releases has 1,000 respondents (median size), with 73% having 500 or more responses, 55% having 1,000 or more responses, and 35% having 2,000 or more responses. The smallest sample size was 98 responses. The more...

Designing PR Surveys

Writing a questionnaire for a newsmaker survey is different than designing a customer satisfaction or general market research survey. Such general surveys are often academic, clinical, even boring: in contrast, with a newsmaker survey you are looking for punch and...

DIY Survey Research

I’m old enough to remember typing pools – though not old enough to remember when the secretaries in them were using typewriters. They were using word processors – not software like Microsoft Word but hardware like the Wang OIS, a dedicated system for timeshared word...