


Our Crosstabulation service produces an automated set of banners and crosstabs, along with frequency charts analyzing the unweighted results from a survey that you fielded yourself.

This service provides three standard deliverables:

  1. Excel crosstabulations – An Excel file crosstabulating all single-select closed-ended questions against those questions you provide as a “banner”. Statistically significant differences are highlighted.
  2. PowerPoint presentation – A PowerPoint file containing frequency charts for all closed-ended questions, word clouds for verbatim responses, and key crosstabulation tables (for those crosstabs with statistically significant differences of at least 10 percentage points).
  3. Word template – A Word file that you can use as a boilerplate for writing a final report. It contains frequency charts and accompanying tables for all closed-ended questions and includes key crosstabulation tables. For open-ended/verbatim questions, the reporting system will select representative quotes, generate word clouds, and provide a phrase-frequency table with example quotes. The report will conclude with an appendix listing the questions and frequency results.

Each purchase of this service provides for 20 single-select closed-ended questions as the banner (with each choice as a banner column).