Quota Sampling Almost Twice as Popular as Weighting

  The GreenBook team included a new section on aspects of survey research projects in their GreenBook Research Industry Trends Report survey of 2,087 researchers around the world. Here are those findings, which provide a useful overview of the state of survey...

Gamifying Your Research

If gamification applies elements of games to non-game contexts, then research gamification applies elements of games to market research projects. Here are some case studies illustrating how applying even one or two elements of a game to a research project improves the...

Frequency of Usage of Quant and Qual Research Methods

I’m just about to start analyzing my section of the most recent GreenBook Research Industry Trends Report, but before I do I wanted to share again some of the findings from the last report. The GreenBook team conducted a global survey of 2,087 researchers. When...