10 Tips for Questionnaire Design

10 Tips for Questionnaire Design

When I’m reviewing a questionnaire, here are the top 10 things I remind my co-authors: Keep the respondent in mind – Write from their point of view, think of question order as a conversation, explain jargon, give them lists of choices that apply to them and allow them...
Improving the Respondent Experience

Improving the Respondent Experience

Respondents are the life blood of survey research, and we regularly conduct research to serve them better. One item that surprised some attendees of my MRII ESOMAR webinar on questionnaire design was the volume of rich responses that I get to my survey closing...
The Ideal Survey Length

The Ideal Survey Length

In a recent webinar, Aaron Platshon said in regard to survey length: “Eight minutes is the new ten minutes.” The advice had been to shorten surveys to ten minutes, but that’s no longer good enough.