Rating Scales: A Lack of Drama in 1 Act

It’s easy to ignore research on research in favor of past practices. That’s why I teamed up with QuestionPro to create this video walking people through best practices for interval rating scales. Read more at Green Book

The Goal is Behavior Change, Not Insights

At the IIEX conference in Atlanta last week, Alex Batchelor of Brainjuicer introduced himself as a “recovering Insightsaholic,” someone who loved insights for their own sake. But insights aren’t enough. Market research needs to “find out how [consumers] decide and...

The Potential of iBeacon for Mobile Research

At the Marketing Research Association’s Insights & Strategy Conference this month, Sriram Subramanian (@sriram_s) of ZoomRX introduced researchers to the potential of, and possible problems with, iBeacon, saying “technology doesn’t always play out as it supposed...

Survey Data As A Key Ingredient

At the Insight Innovation Exchange conference in Atlanta yesterday, Jon Sadow of Google Consumer Surveys discussed the complimentary role of surveys in a research industry proliferating with new technologies and methodologies. With Big Data, text analytics, sentiment...