Headlines Without Headaches




When you need a large sample size to just a few questions, Researchscape offers a regular omnibus of 1,000 U.S. adults, aged 18 years old and up.

To achieve your objectives, Researchscape will professionally design your questions following research best practices ($995 for each block of 5 questions). The questions will be fielded in the next available omnibus study along with questions from two or three other clients. We field this omnibus each Friday and deliver results on the next Monday (excluding holidays). (Need something tomorrow? Check out the On-Demand Omnibus.)

Standard demographic data is provided and crosstabulated: generation, household income, gender, Census region, employment status, race and Hispanicity, educational attainment, marital status, and the presence of children in the household. Social research demographics are optional: political ideology, political party, religion and evangelicalism, and registered voter status. Additional demographics can be added as custom questions (e.g., home ownership, age of children, employment status). To improve representativeness, results are weighted by age, household income, gender, Census division, race and Hispanicity, and educational attainment; social research is weighted by additional party and religious variables as well. The deliverables include a Word report, a PowerPoint of the frequency results and key crosstabs, and an Excel crosstabulation file, as well as the raw data.

This fee includes up to 5 questions, where a question can be an essay question, a select-one question, a select-all-that-apply question with no more than 25 choices, a ranking question, or a pair of rows in a grid. In addition to custom questions, standard blocks of questions are available:

  • Unaided awareness / Aided awareness / Brand usage
  • Overall satisfaction and key driver analysis
  • Incidence check and profile

A question’s display can be conditional upon the answers of a prior question, for times when you have detailed follow-up questions for low-incidence populations; for instance, asking if consumers have purchased a product in the past 30 days, then following up with those who have.

Your questions will be included in an omnibus survey with questions from other Researchscape clients. All questions are confidential to each individual client.

Need 5 or 10 more questions? Just buy 2 or 3 of this service.

Need 10 questions from a more profiled audience? Check out the Flash Poll.

If you need 20 questions or a dedicated survey, check out the U.S. Nationally Representative Survey. If you need a different audience than all U.S. adults, check out Profiled B2C 1000 or Country Survey 1000.