For an ad-supported website that was losing market share to competitors, Researchscape streamlined the Web Acceptance Model and updated it to follow question-design best practices.

(Castañeda, J. Alberto, Francisco Muñoz-Leiva, and Teodoro Luque. “Web Acceptance Model (WAM): Moderating effects of user experience.”Information & Management 44.4 (2007): 384-396.)

The resulting questionnaire:

How easy is it to use the website?
( ) Not at all easy
( ) Slightly easy
( ) Moderately easy
( ) Very easy
( ) Extremely easy

How responsive is the website?
( ) Very slow
( ) Slow
( ) Average speed
( ) Fast
( ) Very fast

How effective was the website at meeting your needs?
( ) Not at all effective
( ) Slightly effective
( ) Moderately effective
( ) Very effective
( ) Extremely effective

How useful is the website to you in general?
( ) Not at all useful
( ) Slightly useful
( ) Moderately useful
( ) Very useful
( ) Extremely useful

How much do you like the website, if at all?
( ) Do not like at all
( ) Like a little
( ) Like a moderate amount
( ) Like a lot
( ) Like a great deal

Overall how satisfied are you with the website?
( ) Not at all satisfied
( ) Slightly satisfied
( ) Moderately satisfied
( ) Very satisfied
( ) Completely satisfied

How likely are you to visit the web again?
( ) Not at all likely
( ) Slightly likely
( ) Moderately likely
( ) Very likely
( ) Completely likely

How reluctant are you to switch to a different website that meets the same needs?
( ) Not at all reluctant
( ) Slightly reluctant
( ) Moderately reluctant
( ) Very reluctant
( ) Completely reluctant

For a B2C company, Researchscape designed a CX (Customer Experience) program with an annual relationship survey and transactional surveys for the most common steps on the customer journey. One of those transactional surveys was a site-feedback intercept survey.

Unfortunately sites with low traffic (under 40,000 unique visitors a month) typically lack the volume to gather enough quantitative information; for smaller sites, a survey invite via email to evaluate the site is often the best approach.

Whether used by just the marketing department, or as part of a comprehensive Customer Experience program, site-feedback surveys can provide valuable input to use to prioritize future web development.

Author Notes:

Jeffrey Henning

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Jeffrey Henning, IPC is a professionally certified researcher and has personally conducted over 1,400 survey research projects. Jeffrey is a member of the Insights Association and the American Association of Public Opinion Researchers. In 2012, he was the inaugural winner of the MRA’s Impact award, which “recognizes an industry professional, team or organization that has demonstrated tremendous vision, leadership, and innovation, within the past year, that has led to advances in the marketing research profession.” In 2022, the Insights Association named him an IPC Laureate. Before founding Researchscape in 2012, Jeffrey co-founded Perseus Development Corporation in 1993, which introduced the first web-survey software, and Vovici in 2006, which pioneered the enterprise-feedback management category. A 35-year veteran of the research industry, he began his career as an industry analyst for an Inc. 500 research firm.