8 Priorities of the Microsoft Insights Team

At the third annual Corporate Researchers Conference of the Marketing Research Association, Reed Cundiff, the general manager of the Microsoft insights team, discussed the challenges his organization has been addressing. Reed leads a team of 90 researchers, which is...

Video Channel Brings Market Research Business News

One research news service getting some shout-outs from the podium at the MRA’s Corporate Research Conference last week was Bob Lederer’s Research Business DAILY Report, a YouTube channel with over 300 videos providing market research business news. Bob was kind enough...

Emotion and Inspiration at the Van Gogh Museum

At the 2013 ESOMAR Annual Congress in Istanbul, Laurine van de Wiel of the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam and Saskia Brocx of TNS NIPO in the Netherlands discussed “how emotion-based visitor research can create engaging brand experiences.” “As researchers we help with...

Do Emotions in Advertising Drive Sales?

At the 2013 ESOMAR Annual Congress in Istanbul, Nick Langeveld and Rana El Kaliouby of Affectiva discussed their research with Mars into using facial coding to understand the relation between emotional ads and sales effectiveness. “Good ads solicit strong emotion:...