For plant based milk producer Oatly, we conducted an online survey of 1,178 U.S. teens and adults aged 14 and up, from April 29-30, 2023. The goal of this study was to better understand the current public image of plant based milk alternatives. We discovered that younger generations have adopted plant based alternatives in stride, with over half of Gen Z (54%) and nearly half of millennials (49%) prefering plant-based milk to dairy options. Furthermore the results showed that more than one-third (33 percent) of respondents have replaced cow’s milk with a plant-based alternative on their grocery list; nearly one-fourth (22 percent) describe cow’s milk as “basic” or “uncool”; and one-third (33 percent) would not drink cow’s milk on a date.

Read more on Food Navigator, Globe Newswire, VegNews, Global Brands, and Marketing Dive.

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Logan Mine

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