by Jeffrey Henning | Jul 30, 2021 | Blog
As teams assemble questionnaires for us to review, these draft survey instruments often end up with a mishmash of scales, with different questions having scales with three, four, five, seven, eleven, or more items, as everyone incorporates their favorite scale. One of...
by Jeffrey Henning | Jul 7, 2020 | Blog
Respondents will answer the questions you ask, but they may not spend the effort to be accurate. For some questionnaires, it’s simply not possible.
by Jeffrey Henning | Nov 19, 2014 | Blog
Panel companies do a great job of profiling their members for common attributes. Need to survey Hispanics under 30 years old? No problem. Need to survey divorced college graduates? No problem. Need upper-income parents? Again, no problem! But what if you need to...
by Jeffrey Henning | Jul 31, 2013 | Blog
The most common problem with the draft questionnaires that are sent to me is the use of leading questions. A leading question suggests the answer the survey author is looking for and often unintentionally reflects the author’s bias. As a result, the answers to such...