The Case for 5-Point Unipolar Scales

The Case for 5-Point Unipolar Scales

As teams assemble questionnaires for us to review, these draft survey instruments often end up with a mishmash of scales, with different questions having scales with three, four, five, seven, eleven, or more items, as everyone incorporates their favorite scale. One of...
Asking Too Much

Asking Too Much

Respondents will answer the questions you ask, but they may not spend the effort to be accurate. For some questionnaires, it’s simply not possible.

7 Best Practices for Writing Better Screeners

7 Best Practices for Writing Better Screeners

Panel companies do a great job of profiling their members for common attributes. Need to survey Hispanics under 30 years old? No problem. Need to survey divorced college graduates? No problem. Need upper-income parents? Again, no problem! But what if you need to...