Custom B2C 1000




Our Custom B2C Survey offering provides 1000 online interviews with U.S. consumers. Panelists can be screened by a variety of criteria, not to fall under 15% incidence within the profiled population (profiled by common demographics). Within 7 days of approving the final questionnaire, you will receive an automated presentation analyzing the results, detailed crosstabs, and the raw data in an Excel spreadsheet.

We will provide you:

  • Questionnaire design services, including updating the questionnaire to reflect survey research best practices
  • Programming of the survey into an online tool
  • Fielding of the survey to 1000 respondents
  • Payment of respondent incentives
  • Survey data cleansing
  • Excel file with all results, including panelist demographics fields where available (gender, age, ethnicity, location, household income, etc.)

We have extensive experience with online surveys, dating back to 1996. We are confident that we can deliver you quality answers that you can trust as you make key business decisions about your market.


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