12 Types of Non-Probability Sampling
As part of CASRO's great series of webinars, John Bremer of The NPD Group discussed "Elements of Non-Probability Seminar." Besides touching on...
7 Deadly Sins Of Online Surveys
Online surveys have become the digital marketer’s chainsaw. A terrific research tool that can butcher marketing strategy with bad techniques and bad...
The Top 10 #MRX Links of the 313,072 Links of 2015
The #MRX community loves its Top 10 lists. How do I know? Because of the Top 10 most-shared links, 3 were themselves 10-item lists! Read more at...
Concept Tests that Bring Smiles to the Faces of Marketers
One of the key benefits of attending the TMRE and IIEX events one week apart was a double dose of BrainJuicer. As the company voted "#1 Most...
Robert P. Moran’s Taxonomy of Insights
My absolute favorite presentation from the Marketing Research Association’s Corporate Researcher Conference was “What the Hell is an Insight?” by...
Who Are You Designing For?
Leslie Brown, director of research & consulting at Sachs Insights, offered this topic in her presentation on November 17 at the ADP Innovation...
Moderating the Moderation of Focus Groups and Online Communities
At last week's TMRE conference, Peter Simpson, president of Segmedica, provided an interesting look at qualitative methods that increase user...
Contrasting Later Recall of a Purchase with the Respondent’s Actual Purchase
Kevin Jenne, Director of Agent & Consumer Research at Safeco and I had a chance to talk before the Seth Godin keynote about Kevin’s presentation...
Research on Research from NEMRA Fall 2015
Last Thursday's NEMRA Fall 2015 Conference in Waltham, Massachusetts, was a great opportunity for New England researchers to come together to learn...
7 New Rules for Branding in a Connected World
At last week's TMRE conference, BV Pradeep, Global Vice President, Consumer and Market Insights at Unilever presented on the topic of "Building...
Encouraging Viewers to Watch Ads
I’ve been reading a lot of articles about content marketing and attending conferences that feature seminars on the "death of interrupt advertising."...
Improving Honesty in Online Research: Implications from Behavioral Economics
At the Fall 2015 NEMRA event, Kathryn Korostoff of Research Rockstar and Namika Sagara, Ph.D., discussed how different treatments of survey...