Frequency of Usage of Quant and Qual Research Methods
I'm just about to start analyzing my section of the most recent GreenBook Research Industry Trends Report, but before I do I wanted to share again...
Agile Analogy
Thinking about our presentations on agile market research recently reminded me of a story from my younger days. In that time, I worked in a single...
The Dynamics of the Tabletop Game Industry
In 1935, the film Mutiny on the Bounty, starring Clark Gable and Charles Laughton, won the U.S. box office movie of the year, and Parker Brothers...
Screener Bias in Panel and River Samples
Most online surveys start with screener questions, designed to target subsets of the population for specific research. Screeners can be used to...
The Qual Sandwich Doubles Down on the Survey
Recently, at a New England MRA chapter event, a fellow attendee told me that she had enjoyed my article here on The Qual Sandwich For Researchers On...
5 Steps to a Successful Research Project
Anne Aldrich of Artemis Strategy Group and Kevin Menck of Strategic Resource Partners presented a great CASRO webinar as part of a...
Broncos Win Third Super Bowl Thanks to Fan Use of Bunting
Fans of the Denver Broncos applied 14 million face-painting sticks, consumed 21 million chicken wings, and purposefully looked away from the screen...
The Most Superstitious NFL Fan Bases
We surveyed 1,076 U.S. adults to determine which NFL fan bases were the most superstitious. The Buffalo Bills had the most superstitious fans (34%),...
Superstitious Fans More Satisfied With NFL
As part of an ongoing series of research into how consumers engage and identify with brands, Researchscape International surveyed 1,112 U.S. adults...
5 Mobile Research Predictions for 2016
Leslie Townsend of Kinesis Panel kicked off The Festival of NewMR by sharing her predictions for the mobile industry. Looking back to 2015, 35% of...
2016 Market Research Conferences
See our 2017 Market Research Conference Calendar. Here are the major market research conferences on our radar. January 25-27 CEO Summit MRA South...
Is Your Market Research Actionable?
Kathryn Korostoff of Research Rockstar, a research training firm, presented a webinar with Sandy McKee of SurveyGizmo on ensuring that your research...