Tell Me What You Want, What You Really, Really Want
Annie Pettit of Conversition, in a presentation at ESOMAR 3D 2011, set out to demonstrate that you can use social media to prove more people like...
The Business of Influence: Reframing Marketing for the Digital Age
Philip Sheldrake, author of The Business of Influence: Reframing Marketing and PR for the Digital Age, gave the opening keynote for ESOMAR 3D 2011...
The Researchification of Games
"Since the majority of money spent on market researh is spent on de-contextualised market research - which is essentially asking people to make a...
The Rosetta Stone Meets Foucault
Ray Poynter of Vision Critical presented on understanding social media via discourse analysis at ESOMAR 3D 2011. Where the Rosetta Stone enabled...
What Research is Worth: MR ROI, Storytelling & Gamifying Beyond the Survey
Of the 726 unique links shared on the Twitter #MRX community last week, here are 5 of the most retweeted: What’s It Worth? – Tim Philips has written...
Market Research is the New Black & Proper Research is Evergreen
f the 829 unique links shared on the Twitter #MRX community this past week, here are the most retweeted: Market Research is the New Black – Eilene...
Advice & a Contest for MR Firms, and New Compitition
Of the 641 unique links shared on the Twitter #MRX community last week, here are 5 of the most retweeted: 8 Things I Would Do if I Were a Market...
5 Top Tweets of the Week: Gamification, EFM, Coca-cola SM, Suckitude, & QR Codes
Of the 762 unique links shared on the Twitter #MRX community last week, here are 5 of the most retweeted, after you factor out individuals...
Triangulation at the Association of Survey Computing
Last week in Bristol, the Association of Survey Computing had its first international conference in four years – its sixth international conference...
Crowd-Shaped Surveys: Adapting the Experience Based on Prior Respondents
Traditionally it doesn’t matter whether you are the first or last respondent to take a survey. What you see is a function of how you answer the...
Social Media & MR Around the World & in the Future
Of the 761 unique links shared on the Twitter #MRX hashtag community last week, here are 6 of the most retweeted: Global MR industry grew 2.8% in...
Research News: You’re Entitled to Their Opinion
A common theme to the top tweets in the Twitter #MRX market research community this week was opinion leaders challenging the industry. Of the 663...