Increasing Your Qualagility
Janel Faucher, a research manager with AOL, talked about qualagility. “Our R&D team came to us with over 200 product ideas, an unprecedented...
The New Research Paradigm: Ideation, Iteration, Validation
At the Marketing Research Association’s Corporate Researcher Conference in St. Louis today, Barry Jennings of Microsoft and Paul Janowitz of...
How Better Meetings and Wicked Problem Solving Propel Research-Based Innovation
Tom Wujec, author of Imagine Design Create: How Designers, Architects, and Engineers Are Changing Our World, opened the Marketing Research...
The Qual Sandwich For Researchers Who Are On No-Carb Diets
Once upon a time, when most market research projects took three to six months to complete, we would often sandwich large quantitative studies...
6 Paths to Innovative Concepts
Jeremy Gutsche, author of Better and Faster: The Proven Path to Unstoppable Ideas, shared six paths to innovation in his recent keynote at the...
Interview with Kevin Hughes
It’s January, when people often act on their New Year’s resolution to find a better job. With that in mind, I interviewed Kevin Hughes, president of...
The Long Survey Will Be Replaced By the Sparse Survey
Ray Poynter argues that the long survey will be replaced by ongoing discussions, by in-the-moment research, and by observational data. I think it is...
GRIT Report – GreenBook Research Industry Trends Report
As a GRIT partner, we are proud to announce the latest edition of the GreenBook Research Industry Trends Report, the leading and most comprehensive...
Hone Your Hunter-Gatherer Instinct to Innovate
In an inspiring and wide-ranging keynote address to kick off the MRA’s ISC conference, Jeremy Gutsche, author of Better and Faster: The Proven Path...
How to Maximize the Impact of Your Research Results
At last week’s NEMRA Spring 2015 conference in Massachusetts, Kelley Styring of Insightfarm shared four ways to generate greater awareness of...
Don’t Mis-: Hit the Mark with Norms
Megan Daniels, a vice president with Phoenix Marketing International, shared four common problems with normative databases at the annual spring...
10 Tips to Sample Better
In a webinar today, Annie Pettit, the chief research officer of Peanut Labs, shared 10 tips to make better use of survey sampling. 1. Have a...