The N in Text Analytics: Text Mining with Different Sample Sizes
Each day we’re counting down our Top 12 blog posts of 2014. Coming in at #12 is this interview originally published April 17. I recently had the...
With Your Head in the Clouds, You Can See the Forest For the Trees
The ideal solution to analyzing a few hundred verbatim responses to a survey has yet to be found. Most text analytic programs aren’t much help here...
21 Tips for Writing Research Reports
In a CASRO webinar yesterday, John Gilfeather of Koski Research shared 21 tips for writing research reports. Prepare an outline. Just like you were...
Agility in a Time of Change
At the recent NetGain 8 conference in Toronto, hosted by the MRIA, Tom De Ruyck (@tomderuyck) of InSites Consulting discussed the potential of...
The Selfie & The Rise of Mobile Ethnography
Last week, #SelfieOlympics trended on Twitter, as Olympic medalists, other Olympians, and Sochi spectators began sharing selfies: photos of...
The Revenge of Qual
The 14th edition of the GreenBook Research Industry Trends report was published last week, reviewing findings from a survey of 2,229 researchers...
Which is Longer, a Survey or a Poll?
Google describes its 1- or 2-question surveys as “microsurveys” and RIWI calls its 3- to 7-question surveys “Nano-Surveys™”. When Google Consumer...
Fads & Foibles: MR Trends and Skillsets
At last week’s Net Gain 8.0 conference in Toronto, Bernie Malinoff, president of Element54, encouraged researchers to think more about change. But...
Quant and Qual Research Usage
Last week, GreenBook announced the publication of the 14th edition of the GreenBook Research Industry Trends report, based on a survey of 2,229...
The Seven Habits of Highly-Stressed Survey Researchers
Pretty busy here. Where I used to carefully write a questionnaire, run a pre-test, run a pilot and then launch – now I have to get it all right the...
Consumer Intimacy by the Numbers
What's the formula that turns a brand's research into consumer intimacy? A new case study from Warc argues that this is the wrong question to ask....
The Top 10 Research Presentations that Stuck With Me
Before I head off to my first conference of 2014, NetGain 8.0 in Toronto, I decided to look back on some of the great presentations I saw last year...