Are Brands People Or Religions?
Nothing is more nebulous in marketing than brands. What are they? Why do people adopt one brand over another? What makes people brand loyal?It’s not...
Researchers Are The Village Green Preservation Society
We are the Village Green Preservation Society God save Donald Duck, Vaudeville and Variety We are the Desperate Dan Appreciation Society God save...
Getting Started With Twitter – Market Research Hashtags
After attending a recent conference, I was surprised at how few market research executives were on Twitter. Twitter is now one of the Top 20 most...
Spies Like Us
The recent Russian spy ring was breathtaking in the sheer mundaneness of the resulting espionage. It was long term, deep cover, and most of the...
#MRX Hashtag Community’s Declaration of Independence from #MR
When, in the course of hashtag communities, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the social-network practices which have connected them...
The PRC Program At Five
Ask my four year old what he wants to be when he grows up, and he’ll say “toy seller,” “secret agent” or “actor,” depending on his mood. One thing...
What Survey Researchers Can Learn From Political Pollsters
As a B2B/B2C survey researcher rather than a pollster, the quadrennial spectator sport that consumes me is not the Olympics, but Presidential...
The Blogging Iceberg – Of 4.12 Million Hosted Weblogs, Most Little Seen, Quickly Abandoned
Perseus Development Corp. randomly surveyed 3,634 blogs on eight leading blog-hosting services to develop a model of blog populations. Based on this...