Research Techniques that Correlate to Innovation Success
At the 2015 Fall conference John Mitchell, president of AMS (Applied Marketing Science), reviewed the results of a survey of 315 product and...
Running Net Promoter Score on the Client Side
At the Fall 2015 NEMRA event, Elizabeth Hassett, a senior customer insights analyst with Vistaprint, discussed how the firm uses the Net Promoter...
Top 10 Projective Techniques for Experiencing “Aha Moments”
Steve Kalter of Acumen Marketing Research, Inc. defines an “aha moment” as “a point in time, event, or experience when one has a sudden insight or...
Can’t Take a Holiday from Social-Media Marketing
On Tuesday night, the Community Managers Meetup in New York City hosted a great panel on the topic of "Social Media, Brands and Holidays", with...
Telling Brand Stories at Tom’s of Maine
At the recent Skyword Content Rising event in New York City, Rob Robinson told his story of developing a content marketing team as Integrated...
Market Research Across Time and Space
The newest season of Dr. Who is underway, and the series in general has a few lessons for market research. But what can we learn from a...
Are They Spurious Correlations? Evaluating Insights From Social Media
At the closing keynote of the Marketing Research Association’s Corporate Researcher Conference in St. Louis today, Dr. Jennifer Golbeck from the...
IQ+EQ: Big Data and Primary Research in the Era of Decision Intelligence
At the Marketing Research Association’s Corporate Researcher Conference in St. Louis today, Greg Heist, the chief innovation officer of Gongos,...
Point-Counterpoint: What’s the Big Deal with Big Data?
Annie Pettit, Ph.D. of Peanut Labs and Marc Alley, PRC of 1st Global had a point/counterpoint debate about the role of Big Data in market research....
The Other Side of the House: Corporate Affairs Research vs. Market Research
At the Marketing Research Association’s Corporate Researcher Conference in St. Louis, Edward Largo, Ph.D. of Altria and William Stewart of Povaddo...
Samsung’s Innovation Process Journey – A Rubik’s Cube Redux
At the Marketing Research Association’s Corporate Researcher Conference, Scott Lazarczyk and Manvir Kalsi of Samsung discussed Samsung’s innovation...
Stop Writing Concepts Like They’re Ads in GQ
Bob Cuneo of Brädo Creative Insight transformed his ad agency into a marketing research firm to more creatively meet client needs through better...